Posts Tagged ‘Hair Cut’

Told You So

Posted: May 20, 2008 in Uncategorized
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As promised I’ve uploaded My Baby by Jesse McCartney. And since I had a little extra time after making the video, I also uploaded Told You So. Personally these are the two best songs on his new album Departure. If you haven’t bought it on itunes yet, now would be good time to do so. You’ll probably like the other songs on the album including How Do You Sleep?, Into Ya, and It’s Over.

Hopefully if time allows I’ll get more of his songs from Departure in the next up coming weeks. Summer is just around the bend so tons of videos will be going up then.  If you have a question or request feel free to comment here or on my youtube channel. I’ll get around to it eventually.

More on life…
Ah yes, the other half of what this blog is supposed to be about. Not too much interesting things to add in about my life. Besides the whole hair cut fiasco. To be honnest it wasn’t that bad after all. I got a few compliments, but I still miss my old hair. It was so amazing before the cut (see example hair). I’m still a bit salty about the hair cut, but I guess people think it’s decent. It’s not that big of a deal anymore

Worst Haircut Ever

Posted: May 18, 2008 in Unsorted

Example. Not me.

So normally I wouldn’t really care about getting my hair cut. However this time, I really didn’t want to get it cut. I had spent six months trying to grow it out and keep it on the long side. Apparently my parents really didn’t like this and decided to force me to get it cut today.

There’s nothing more to say than my hair is aweful. I can safely say that it was 99% better before. Of Course, if you ask my parents they’ll say that it’s better now. Lies. I wish I could show you a picture of what I look like, however my identity will be released in doing so. You’ll just have to settle for that “example” pictures up top. (Alright just what my hair looked like before because I couldn’t find any photos to match my current state)

I’m really not looking to going back to school tomorrow. Bleh. Anyone care to stand in…